B2B Journalist of the Year

Martin George, Local Government Chronicle, collects his trophy from Chris Miles, Head of Financial Intermediaries UK at Capital Group and Awards host Rachel Parris.


Martin George, Local Government Chronicle

This was a competitive category with a strong shortlist of talented journalists skilled at writing for B2B audiences. Two finalists stood out for the judges after the first round of scoring, with judges confirming Local Government Chronicle’s Martin George as the winner following a lively discussion.

Judges were impressed by Martin’s stories “drawn from trawling large datasets, involving significant intellectual stamina”. “His keen journalistic eye enabled him to dig out highly impactful points from the small print,” observed one judge. “A superlative range of stories displaying a variety of approaches to great effect,” commented another.

Highly Commended:

Simoney Kyriakou, FT Adviser

Congratulations go to Simoney Kyriakou from FT Adviser for achieving a well-earned Highly Commended in this category. “An outstanding entry showcasing campaigning journalism at its finest and evidencing wider reach within consumer-facing media too,” remarked one judge. “Simoney knows her audience and delivers.”


Harry Curtis, Insurance Post

Jen Frost, for work at Insurance Business

Martin George, Local Government Chronicle

Simoney Kyriakou, FT Adviser

Zachariah Sharif, for work at Citywire New Model Adviser

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